This is an aggregation of all photos of this trip. You may wish to visit individual Collections (Charleston, Isle of Palms Beach, Ravenel Bridge Walk, etc.) to better focus your interest.
A group of friends of Renee Rappaport recently joined her at her home in Isle of Palms, South Carolina where she owns a share of a beach house. Diane and I visited from Monday, August 13, departing Friday, August 17.
Isle of Palms is a beautiful beach and located near Charleston with many, many activities. Everyone enjoyed a great time and Renee was a fantastic host.
In addition to me (Sam Markman) and Diane Farhat, the group included Renee Rappaport (our host), Brad Crockett, Dennis Balkham, Rita Reed, Diane Quigley, Ray Bevaqua, Paull Phillips and Sue Bley.
Sam Markman Photography is my Home Page and starting point to view other photos on this WEB site.